Sunday, September 21, 2008

From spindly to powdery and most beautiful green

Saturday, July 19th, 2008. It is almost 7:00pm when I bring outside a large glass jar (about 5" wide and 12" tall) and a stone mortar to pulverize the desiccated horsetail. At this stage, the body of the plant is completely free of water, brittle to the touch yet more potent and I can smell the aroma of its exposed persona. Gently and deliberately the pestle moves under my grip transforming the stringy leaves into soft powder of the most beautiful green. Each time when even the small debris of the ground horsetail are powdered under the pestle, I transfer the content into the glass jar. Minutes turn into hours, and sky into deep sea blue yet somehow this seemingly monotonous work doesn't become boring; instead the powdered substance that grows under my pestle holds me in a pleasant trance. At last when I can no longer see, I move my work inside and continue grinding, finishing nearly at midnight.

It took about 4 hours to transform the harvested and dessicated horsetail into 61g of soft green powder. The recipe requires 250g (8oz) of the ground herb. Since this is my first experience with spagyrics I decide to continue and make a mental note that in the future I need to fill up at least 4 large paper bags and start pulverizing in the morning as producing the required amount of powdered horsetail is going to take about 16 hours. Others may opt for electric grinder to safe time...however I feel that this interferes the connection between you and the plant.

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